Markets We Serve
Because reverse auctions work with such a wide variety of goods and services, Procurex works with leading organizations in a number of different industries, with a particular emphasis on education, government and commercial markets.
Reverse Auctions Solve Common Problems
We’ve been in business long enough to recognize a number of similar traits that apply across almost every organization we’ve worked with:
- Perpetually shrinking budgets
- Rising costs
- Increasing demands for visibility and accountability
- Increasing regulatory requirements
- Declining headcount
Reverse auctions from Procurex address these problems and more, across a wide range of industries.
Ongoing budget cuts, staff reductions and a never-ending push to keep more dollars in the classroom. The old adage “between a rock and a hard place” barely scratches the surface when describing the budget situation in most K-12 school systems.
Reverse auctions from Procurex can make a measurable difference – even on your next purchase. Buses, computers, classroom supplies and service contracts all can be sourced through our full-service solution, savings hundreds of thousands – even millions – of dollars for your schools.

Higher Education
In education, we work with universities, colleges and K-12 schools to get the absolute best price from qualified vendors.
Administrators, department heads and procurement professionals in education know that there is more to a winning vendor relationship than price. A reverse auction is a tool our customers use to qualify vendors, advance strategic procurement initiatives such as sustainability, and stay compliant with various statutes and spending regulations. The reverse auction simply ensures that the best vendor also provides their best possible price.
Cities & Regional Governments
As a steward of taxpayer dollars, you are obligated to get the best price for your organization. But, you also know that the “best price” isn’t always the “lowest price.” You need the most qualified vendors to give you their lowest possible price. And, in an ideal world, you need to settle on those prices quickly.
You may already be relying on state and other group purchasing contracts to ensure the vendors you select are qualified. But, did you know that you can take savings to a new level with reverse auctions? When you work with Procurex on a reverse auction, our start price is the state contract price. We go lower from there!
Qualified vendors. Lowest prices. Best use of those taxpayer dollars. That’s what you get from a reverse auction.
Federal & State Government
In government, we work with a range of government agencies – from the City of Philadelphia to the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency and many in between. Whether municipal, state or federal, there is an ever-growing demand for transparency and taxpayer accountability.
Many entities we work with are in the post lowest-cost-vendor-days and are now following the best practice of selecting the lowest qualified vendor. Reverse auctions provide a perfect sequence of steps to pre-qualify vendors based on location, minority and women-owned business status, financial stability, available warranties and other non-price criteria. Once that’s complete, we then provide a transparent forum where vendors compete for your taxpayers’ dollars.
Sometimes operating with fewer constraints and regulations than their counterparts in the public sector, finance and procurement professionals are still under significant pressure to lower costs.
In commercial environments – industrial, manufacturing, life science, telecommunications, and others – the millions or even tens of millions of dollars saved through reverse auctions with Procurex go right to the bottom line.
Rarely will the procurement function have an opportunity to make as big of an impact in a short amount of time as it has with a reverse auction. Millions saved in an hour – live and on screen – as a set of pre-qualified vendors bid for your business.
Nonprofit organizations have a special responsibility to spend according to the requirements associated with grants and other funding sources. Visibility, compliance, and accountability take on a special significance for these organizations.
Not only are they required to get the most out of every precious dollar to advance the organization’s mission, but they are often required to spend those dollars in alignment within the guidelines provided by grantors. Strategic sourcing initiatives such as MWBE, sustainability, local vendors and other causes can be supported and advanced through the reverse auction process.
Your Partner in Saving
With our full-service approach to reverse auctions, we do all of the heavy lifting for you. You just sit back and collect the savings.
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